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Vlad Kuznetsov, PhD
Vlad Kuznetsov, PhD

Vlad Kuznetsov, PhD

Associate Director

Preclinical Development

Vlad is responsible for setting up rAAV production in suspension cells within the Gene Editing Vector Core as well as overseeing in-house process development for upstream/downstream operations.

Prior to joining Life Edit Therapeutics, Vlad worked at StrideBio, a gene therapy company where he led the upstream process development team.

Vlad received his PhD in biochemistry and structural biology from Texas A&M University, where he used protein crystallography to study lysis enzymes and regulation in bacteriophages.

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Visionary science, driven by visionary values.

Our Mission

To rewrite the future by curing disease, making any edit, anywhere.

Our Vision

To pave the way to faster, safer, gene editing therapeutics that cure disease and improve patient lives.

Our Values

We’re guided by curiosity, rigor, and integrity. We believe in discovery and unlimited potential. We care about science and the lives of patients.